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Academic Opportunities

Adding a Participant

  1. Along the top bar of the screen, you will see three boxes stating '+Participant', '+Role' and 'Check'
  2. To add a Participant click '+Participant'
  3. You will be required to enter the Student ID of your participant in the 'Student ID' box. If you do not know the ID of the participant, this can be found via searching the student first name, surname, course, year of study etc in the 'Members' search engine.
  4. Once student ID has been entered, using the 'Role' drop-down menu, click the opportunity from the list which role you wish to assign the Participant to
  5. To assign a Course to your Participant, use the 'Override Course' drop-down menu to select participants Course
  6. To assign a School to your Participant, use the 'Override School' drop-down menu to select participants School
  7. To assign a College to your Participant, use the 'Override College' drow-down menu to select Participants College
  8. Additional notes can be added to the Participant via the 'Notes' box
  9. To assign a start date to the Participant, click the 'Start Date' box in which you will be required to enter the day, month and year in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy
  10. To assign an end date to the Participant (for instance if the Role is time specific and a particular Role will be completed by a certain date) click the 'End Date' box in which you will be required to enter the day, month and year in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy
  11. The more information that is added to each participant the easier it will be to search for them as well as filter their variables dependent on Role.
  12. Click submit to save and confirm the Participant
  13. Once saved you will be taken back to the home menu of the Academic Opportunities Module, here you should be able to see your new participant within the list of Participants

Adding a Role

  1. Along the top bar of the screen, you will see three boxes stating '+Participant', '+Role' and 'Check'
  2. To add a Role click '+Role'
  3. Enter the name of your new Role in the 'Name' box
  4. Click submit to save and confirm the Role
  5. Once saved you will be taken back to the home menu of the Academic Opportunities Module, here you should be able to see your new role within the list of Opportunities
  6. If you would like to modify the title of the role this can be done by clicking the 'Modify' button within the Options column on the right-hand side of the screen
  7. To remove the role, click the 'Remove' button within the Options column on the right-hand side of the screen

Export a List of Members

  1. To export a list of specific members within Academic Opportunities, the 'Filter' section of the Academic Opportunities module can be used to filter participants by the following variables

    • Date and End date of when the participant started and finished the Role. This will need to be entered by clicking through the digital calendar showing day, month and year
    • To confirm the start and end date, click 'Apply'
    • The date entered should now show in the date box, beside the following icon
    • Select College…
    • Select School…
    • Select Year of Study…
    • Select Event Attendance…
    • Has Volunteer Hours
  2. Each variable section will have a drop down menu for you to choose your sub-selection. Once clicked the variable to stay shown in the drop down box

  3. To confirm the search, click 'Export Member List'
  4. An excel spreadsheet will automatically download, containing your required Members List

Search for Participants

  1. To search for a participant, enter the name of the participant in the 'Search' box at the top of the Participants section. The participants will be automatically
  2. listed in alphabetical order from the first letter of the Student ID number.
  3. The variables within the search filter can be altered by clicking the 11 options at the top of the participant table.
  4. To view the participants within a particular variable, the button of the variable needs to be clicked so it highlights to white or blue. If the variable box is blue the variable will show in the below participant table. To hide the variable, click the blue box so it highlights to white and the variable should be hidden from the participant table.
  5. To view a number of participants per page click the drop-down 'records per page' button, where you can select to view your participant records in values of '25' '50' '100' and 'All'