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Coaching Applications

Staff Guidance - How do I create Coaching Hours for selection?

  1. Under the ‘Activities/Groups’ module, select ‘Coaching Applications’;
  2. Select ‘Cost Per Hour’ to view all costs that have been created and create new entries;
  3. Click ‘Create Cost Per Hour’ and enter:
    1. Name;
    2. Max Amount;
    3. Order – the Order you wish them to be shown for selection on the Student Dashboard;
    4. There will also be a ‘Hidden’ option – this can be selected at any time if you ever wish for certain Costs per Hour not to be shown on the Student Dashboard;
  4. You can ‘Modify’ or ‘Remove’ a Cost per Hour at any time.

How do I ‘Approve’ or ‘Decline’ a new application?

  1. Under ‘Coaching Applications’, select ‘New Applications’ to view all submissions yet to be reviewed;
  2. You will see the Name of the proposed coach and the Activity/Group that has submitted the application;
  3. Select ‘View’ to review the details of the application;
  4. There will be links to any documentation that they have uploaded, such as Risk Assessments and First Aid Certificates;
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to ‘Approve’ or ‘Decline’ an application;
  6. All applications will move into the ‘Approved’ or ‘Declined’ areas within the main ‘Coaching Applications’ page, where you can view the details of all previous applications and confirm who and when the application was approved or declined.

What if I just need some further information for the application before approval?

  1. When you go to ‘View’ an application, scroll down and there will be a ‘Questions’ box;
  2. Enter any queries or feedback you have for the application here, and click ‘Send to Applicant’;
  3. It will confirm on their student dashboard that questions have been submitted, and the application form will reopen for them to amend and resubmit for approval.

Updated on 1st June 2021