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Member Dashboard Permissions

List of Member Dashboard Permissions

1. Overview

This permission allows members to view the ‘Overview’ section of the Student Dashboard, showing the general information and statistics about their Group, such as:

  1. Number of members and interested members
  2. Number of emails (Communications) sent within the Group in the last 30 days
  3. Number of active products for the Group.

It also shows the names of all Committee Members within the Group and their positions, as well as a list of the upcoming Events the Group is putting on.

2. Members

This permission allows access to the ‘Members’ section, from where you can view the active members of the Group, including their:

  1. Member ID
  2. Name
  3. Member Type
  4. Subscription Purchased
  5. Date joined

Interested members can also be viewed, with a shortcut to contact them (if the member also has the ‘Communications‘ permission).

3. Communication

This gives access to the ‘Communication’ section of the Student Dashboard, allowing the member to contact anyone within the Group via email, including interested members and the purchasers of any products sold by the Group.

Students can design their emails how they wish using the formatting tools available, including adding images and hyperlinks.

New Communications Groups can also be created to contact specific members of the Activity.

4. Finance Dashboard

This gives access to the ‘Finance’ section on the Student Dashboard. Members with this permission will be able view account balances, along with the details and status of any Purchase Requests, Invoice Requests and Reimbursement Requests.

Additional permissions are available for Finance (all of these permission must be granted alongside the Finance Dashboard permission):

  1. Accounts – allows committee members to enter an account and view all of their income and expenditure, plus transaction breakdowns;
  2. Purchase Requests – enables users to submit Purchase Requests and modify them if required;
  3. Invoice Requests – enables users to submit Invoice Requests and modify them if required.

Group Members are also able to submit Reimbursement requests for their Activity. Depending on your Union’s procedure for Expense Claims, you may include Committee Member approval (this can be adjusted within ‘System Configuration’ – ‘Settings’). If Committee Member approval is required, there are a number of Committee permissions that are available:

  1. Approve Group Expenses – First Approver – grants the committee member first approval of submitted expense claims;
  2. Approve Group Expenses – Second Approver – grants the committee member second approval of submitted expense claims;
  3. Authorise Approver’s Expenses – grants the committee member authorisation to approve any expenses submitted by a first or second approver;
  4. Expenses: Purchase Requests – allows the member to ‘Make a Payment’ directly via the Expenses/Reimbursement form on the Student Dashboard, as opposed to submitting a Purchase Request (this is a shortcut version of a Purchase Request).

5. Products

This permission grants access to the ‘Products’ section for the Group, from where members can submit applications for new products and view the list of all applications, and the details of all approved products, including the dates in which they are active.

Note: Products relating to Events or Trips should not be submitted via this section, but as part of the Events & Trips application form.

There are also additional permissions available relating to products:

  1. Offline Sale Toggle – allows the user to turn the offline sale of an active product on or off;
  2. Online Sale Toggle - allows the user to turn the online sale of an active product on or off.

6. Funding

There are individual permissions that will allow the member to submit various Funding Applications available via the Student Dashboard:

  1. Event Grant
  2. Development Grant
  3. Competitive Grant
  4. Campaign Network Event Grant
  5. Campaigns Network Campaigns Grant
  6. Community Funding Grant

7. Events & Trips

This gives access to the ‘Events & Trips’ section, to view upcoming and current Events & Trips. They will be able to view the details of all applications, including their status. Members will also be able to manually log attendance for any Trips/Events under the ‘Current’ tab.

To allow members to be able submit an application, they will also require the following permission:

  1. Event Applications – allows the user to submit an Events & Trips application, as well as modify and resubmit the application should any feedback be received upon review.


This permission access to the ‘BUCS’ section within the dashboard. Here, members can view upcoming fixtures, and upload the results for previous games.

9. Pages

This gives users access to the ‘Pages’ section, where they can add and manage pages for their own Group’s mini-site, and create and modify up to 30 pages with unlimited versions.

10. Handover

This gives access to the ‘Handover’ section in the navigation menu. During a handover period set by staff, Outgoing Committee Members can complete information regarding the Activity for the Incoming Committee Members, such as details of First Aid Kits, inventories and affiliations/sponsorships.

Note: This does not apply to Incoming Committee Members. They will be able to complete any relevant information prior to their term via theFormssection of the main dashboard, before they have Committee Member access to the management side of their Group.

11. Inventories

This permission allows users to view the ‘Inventories’ section of the Student Dashboard, from where they can view the details of any equipment they have registered to their Group.

Outgoing Committee Members can add this information in their Handover forms before their term ends, for new Committee Members to view.

12. Affiliations

This permission gives access to the ‘Affiliations’ section in the navigation menu, from where users can view information about any Affiliations they’ve had.

Outgoing Committee Members can add this information in their Handover forms before their term ends, for new Committee Members to view.

13. Fayres

This gives access to the ‘Fayres’ section, where members can add content to stalls they have on digital stalls on their Union’s website.

Content is submitted for approval by staff via the backend of the system.

14. Coaching Applications

This permission grants access to the ‘Coaching Applications’ section for the Group, from where members can submit applications for coaching sessions and view a list of all applications and their status.

15. Website Settings

This gives access to the ‘Website Settings’ section in the navigation menu, from where users can modify and submit changes to their web pages, including:

  1. Description
  2. Social media handles
  3. Thumbnail
  4. Documents

16. Room Bookings

This permission enables members to make Room Bookings for their Group.

Within the ‘Room Bookings’ section of the main ‘My Union’ area, an additional tab for the Group will be shown, allowing the member to create new bookings, as well as view all future, current and previous bookings for that Group.

Note: There is not a separate section for Room Bookings in the committee management section of the dashboard.

Updated on 5th October 2022