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How do I create a Membership Product?

To create a product, you can follow the ‘Adding a Product’ guide, which can be found on the SUMS Support Dashboard via:

  1. Guides
  2. 'EPOS'
  3. 'Products'

Once you have created your product and added all of the relevant information, there will be a few additional areas that must be added when creating a Membership Product:

  1. Ensure the ‘Member Sales’ and 'Associate Member Sales' boxes are ticked to allow only members to purchase the product. This means the product will only be shown as available when a member has signed into the SU website. If this box is not ticked, the product will be shown to purchase even if not signed into the website, and the membership will not then be registered against their account when purchased;
  2. Ensure ‘Online Sales’ is ticked;
  3. Ensure the ‘Public Sales’ box is not ticked;
  4. Scroll down to ‘Additional Options’ to enter:
    1. The Group the membership relates to;
    2. Whether the membership is to be for a ‘Fixed Term’ (enter the duration) or has a general expiry date (add the date).

Updated on 5th March 2021