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Event Applications

Approving Event Applications (Incl Foreign/High Risk Trips)

  1. Once logged onto SUMS click onto "Groups" on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. This will bring up a drop down menu. Then select "event applications" from this list.
  3. To view the application, click "view on the corresponding application".
  4. To approve the application, you must ensure that the event is safe.
    • For a trip abroad that isn't an SU organised trip the Group needed to organise their trip through an ABTA/ATOL protected tour operator. An itinerary to be included as to what is happening on the trip. The foreign office to not advise against travel to the destination. Suitable insurance to be sourced. Once these have been submitted all information will need to be passed onto the executive committee to decide whether the event is to be approved.
    • For a High Risk Trip that is not organised by the SU a map of the area must be supplied along with an itinerary, a weather update a week in advance of the trip taking place and emergency contact details. The relevant information needs to be passed onto the executive committee to make a decision as to whether the trip goes ahead.
  5. Check their application against the club/societies risk assessment.
  6. Check that the venue is appropriate for the event.
  7. Should the application be declined send an email to the club/ society explaining why.
  8. To accept, click the "accept" button at the bottom right of the page.

Updated on 1st February 2021