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Handover Piece

How does the Handover Piece work?

The Handover piece within the Groups module of SUMS allows your Groups and Union staff to easily facilitate the handover periods during the year.

  1. Via the SUMS Dashboard, staff can create Handover periods, membership types (ie. annual, Term 1, Term 2 etc…) and expiry dates, and the dates for which they are on sale;
  2. Via the Student Dashboard, Outgoing Committee Members can easily complete and submit all information required for the Incoming Committee Members;
  3. Incoming Committee Members can then complete their side via the Student Dashboard also, with the membership products from the previous year pulling through for them to review and easily amend to whatever they wish;
  4. Once all correct information has been submitted by the relevant Committee Members, the membership products can be approved by your Finance Team, and the Handover subsequently approved by the relevant staff on the back-end of the system.

How do I create a Handover period for Groups?

  1. In the Groups Module, click ‘Handover’;
  2. Select ‘Create Handover Period’ and enter the:
    • Reference Name (ie. 19/20 to 20/21);
    • Outgoing Date Range;
    • Incoming Date Range;
  3. Then click ‘Submit’ to enable this on the Student Dashboard;
  4. You can easily change any of the above information by selecting the blue ‘Modify’ button at the side.

Once you have created your Handover period, you can then add the new membership periods/dates to be sold during that Handover period. Simply click the yellow ‘Membership Dates’ button and confirm the:

  1. Name;
  2. Sale End & Start Dates;
  3. Membership Expiry Date.

You can add as many as are needed.

How can I see which Groups have completed their Handover forms?

  1. Select the green ‘Handover Completions’ button to view which Groups have completed their forms, and:
    • Who it has been submitted by;
    • Date of submission;
    • Which handover forms (Incoming and Outgoing) have been completed and which you are still awaiting;
    • The status of the Handover.

How do I approve or decline a submitted Handover?

  1. Under ‘Handover Completions’, select ‘View’ to review all of the information submitted by the Group;
  2. Scroll down and you will be able to ‘Approve’ or ‘Decline’ the handover;
  3. If you decline, you can add a comment for the member’s reference so they can go back and review the submission. When you have selected 'View', you will be able to see all of the information provided, including:
    • If the Risk Assessment has been read/relevant assessments have been provided;
    • If the Group is a BUCS team;
    • All membership products created;
    • …and more!

What about Membership Product Applications that are created when a Handover Application is approved?

Your Finance team can now view, approve and decline Membership Applications under ‘Handover Subscriptions’:

  1. Select ‘Handover Product Applications’ to review all product applications, by approved Handover Applications;
  2. The Finance information can be adjusted with the blue ‘Modify’ button, and information for the product can be seen with the ‘View’ button;
  3. Product applications can be Approved/Declined directly from this page by using the ‘Approve’ and ‘Decline’ buttons on each row.

Note: Handover periods can beClosed’, to stop further Approval/Declining of these product applications. This may be useful when the next Handover period starts.

How do I add/amend the additional 'Rules' for a membership product submitted?

You can set default ‘Rules’ for your membership products via ‘System Configuration’ -> ‘Settings’. These will then automatically show when creating a membership product, but can be amended at any time.

When a membership product is pulled from the previous year to the next, the ‘Rules’ allocated to that product will also pull through; these can be amended by staff via the backend of the system.

  1. Under ‘Handover Completions’, select ‘View’ to review all of the information submitted by the Group;
  2. Scroll down and you will be able to select the ‘Rules’ for each membership as required;
  3. Here you can amend any additional requirements, such as insurance, to the membership product where required - this will then automatically pull through when a member purchases the membership product via the website.

Note: See further down for the settings available under ‘System Configuration’.

Student Dashboard - Where does an Outgoing Committee Member complete their Handover?

  1. Once the Committee Member has logged onto the Student Dashboard and entered the correct Group, on the left hand side they will be able to select ‘Handover’;
  2. Here it will show the Handover period that they will be required to complete their forms for, with a button to navigate them to the form;
  3. For Outgoing Committee Members, they will need to complete information regarding:
    • Inventory;
    • Sponsorships;
    • Miscellaneous (such as handing over any keys);
  4. Once they have been submitted, they will show as having been completed on the backend of the system for staff to review.

Where does an Incoming Committee Member complete their handover?

  1. Once the Committee Member has logged onto the Student Dashboard, on the left hand side they will navigate to ‘Forms’ on the main dashboard;
  2. Here it will show the Handover period that they will be required to complete their forms for, with a button to navigate them to the form;
  3. For Incoming Committee Members, they will need to complete information regarding:

    • Memberships – under ‘Memberships’, the membership products from the previous year will be pulled through for incoming Committee Members to review and amend to suit their requirements, including membership period, pricing, and financial coding (they will also be able to create new membership products if required);
    • Inventory;
    • Sponsorships;
    • Affiliations;
    • Constitution;
    • Risk Assessment;
    • Team Training;
    • BUCS;
  4. Once they have been submitted, they will show as having been completed on the backend of the system for staff to review.

System Configuration

The ‘Rules’ for your membership products within the Handover piece can be managed via ‘System Configuration’ -> ‘Settings’. Information set under the ‘Handover’ dropdown will show as default for any new products created, but can be amended for that product if required:

  • Product Category ID (for Handover Product Applications, set here the ID corresponding to the product category you would like them to go in automatically (typically memberships)).
  • Rules/Insurance:
  • Sport Activity ID (set here the ID corresponding to the activities category of Sport);
  • Automatic Insurance for Sports (For Handovers, set here the ID corresponding to the rule you would like to be automatically assigned to Sports Membership Product Applications);
  • Society Activity ID (set here the ID corresponding to the activities category of Societies);
  • Automatic Insurance for Societies (For Handovers, set here the ID corresponding to the rule you would like to be automatically assigned to Societies Membership Product Applications).

Updated on 5th January 2022