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How can I add Inventories for Student Groups?

You can add multiple inventories of equipment for your Student Groups via the ‘Inventories’ section of the Activities/Groups module.

  1. Select ‘Inventories’ within the ‘Activities/Groups’ module;

  2. Click ‘Create Inventory’ and enter:

    1. The relevant Group (from the dropdown menu);

    2. Add a name for the inventory (ie. 10 helmets);

    3. Make, Model and Size of the equipment (if applicable);

    4. Year of Purchase;

    5. Condition;

    6. Storage Location;

    7. Value;

    8. Select whether or not the equipment is in use;

  3. Click ‘Submit’ to save the inventory to the Group.

You can add, remove and modify existing inventories at any time.

How can Committee Members view their Groups’ inventories?

Committee Member with the relevant permissions will be able to view their Groups’ inventory information via the ‘Inventory’ section of the Student Dashboard.

All of their inventory items will be listed, showing their:

  1. Name;

  2. Make;

  3. Model;

  4. Size;

  5. Year of Purchase;

  6. Location (Storage).

How can committee members add or modify their own inventories for their Student Group?

Adding to Inventories - During Handover periods, Outgoing Committee Members can add inventories when completing their part of the Handover application as information for the Incoming Committee Members.

See here further guidance on completing Handover applications:

Modifying Inventories – Committee members with the relevant permissions can modify existing inventory logged against their Student Group.

The following Committee Member permissions are available:

  1. Inventory – allows committee position/member to view the inventory;

  2. Modify Inventory – allows committee position/member to modify existing the inventory.

Please note: Inventory can only be modified this way and not added or removed. Inventory can only be added or removed by outgoing committee members during Handover, or by members of staff via the backend of the system.

Guidance on how committee members can modify their inventories can be found within the Full Member Guide:

Approving Modifications

If required, you can review all inventory modifications to approve or decline.

  1. Select ‘Inventories’ from within the Activities/Groups module;

  2. Click ‘Pending’ at the top of the page;

  3. All modifications submitted via the Student Dashboard will appear for you to review:

    1. Click ‘View’ to review the details of the submission;

    2. Click ‘Modify’ to edit any of the details prior to approval, if required;

    3. Either ‘Approve’ or ‘Decline’ the change to update the inventory.

Alternatively, you can enable auto-approval of all inventory submission, if you are not required to review any modifications:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ page within ‘System Configuration’;

  2. Under ‘Activities’ set ‘Auto Approve Inventory Changes’ to ‘Yes’;

  3. Ensure you click ‘Save’ to enable this.

All changes made via the Student Dashboard will automatically update that Group’s inventory.

Updated on 11th October 2022