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Invoice Requests

You can view all Invoice Requests submitted by your Activities/Groups via the ‘Invoice Requests’ section of the ‘Activities/Groups’ module.

You can also view any Invoice Request applications that have not yet been submitted for approval so you can prepare for incoming requests.

When you enter the ‘Invoice Requests’ section within the ‘Activities/Groups’ module, you will see information on the right hand side of the page showing the number of:

  1. Processed and Completed Requests;
  2. New Requests;
  3. Requests Awaiting Printing;
  4. Requests Awaiting Processing;

On the left, you will see and be able to select the four approval stages:

  1. New;
  2. Approved;
  3. Printed;
  4. Processed.

How do I review a new Invoice Request?

  1. Click ‘New’ to view the list of new applications that require review;
  2. Each entry will list the:
    1. Supplier Name;
    2. Name of the Group;
    3. Name of Member who submitted the request;
    4. Submission Date;
    5. Whether or not the request contains a Transport item;
    6. Whether or not the request relates;
    7. Total;
    8. Status of the application.
  3. Select the green ‘View’ button to review all of the information provided on the request, including the items, coding and any quotes/attachments that have been provided;
  4. If you would like to approve the request, select the green ‘Approve’ button on the main ‘New Requests’ page – the request will then be found within the ‘Approved’ area of Invoice Requests.

What if I want to decline an Invoice Request?

If you would like to decline a request, select the red ‘Decline’ button on the main ‘New Requests’ page.

All declined requests can be found within the ‘Declined’ area of Invoice Requests (under ‘More…’)


When you go to review a new request, there will be a yellow ‘Items’ button to allow you direct access to view the items included within the request, including:

  1. Description;
  2. Quantity;
  3. Unit Cost;
  4. Total;

You can ‘Modify’ the details of the items if needed, or ‘Remove’ any that are no longer required.

You also have the option to ‘Create Invoice Request Item’ if any additional items need to be included in the request after the application has been submitted, just enter the:

  1. Description;
  2. Quantity;
  3. Unit Cost (excluding VAT).

Can I adjust any of the details on a request?

You can ‘Modify’ some of the detail on the application, such as the contact details for the supplier and whether or not they relate to a transport item or funding application. You can also add notes to the application if you wish.

Will Committee Members be notified when their request has been approved or declined?

Committee Members will receive an email confirming that the status of their application has changed once it has been approved or declined.

They can then log onto their Student Dashboard to view their application.

What options do I have once I have approved a request?

Once you have approved a request, you can view this within the ‘Approved’ area of Invoice Requests. From here you can:

  1. Modify’ the detail of a request, if still required at this point, and add any relevant notes;
  2. View’ the details of the request, which shall now also show the date it was approved and by which staff member;
  3. See a list of the ‘Items’, as per the above;
  4. Print’ the request to continue processing the request.

Once an approved requested has been printed, you will still be able to ‘View’ and ‘Modify’ the details of the request, and its ‘Items’.

If you wish to complete the request, select the ‘Process’ button to Committee Member with the relevant permissions will be able to view their Groups’ inventory information via the ‘Inventory’ section of the Student Dashboard.

The request can then be found within the ‘Processed’ area of Invoice Requests, where again you can ‘View’ and ‘Modify’ the details of the request and its individual items.

Can I view requests that Groups are working on but yet to submit?

On the main ‘Invoice Requests’ page, there is an ‘Unsubmitted’ folder.

Here you will see the details of all Invoice Request Applications that are currently in progress, including the:

  1. Group;
  2. Member who is completing the application;
  3. Supplier;
  4. Total.

Created on 22nd June 2021