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Settings Requests (Basic)


The SUMS system allows committees of groups to make changes to their website via the student dashboard, and enables oversight through approval of the edits by staff.

As a staff member, I want to approve edits to a webpage a group has submitted via the student dashboard

Firstly, ensure you have permission to groups -> settings requests.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Settings Requests’ section of the Groups Module.

  2. All edits that the group have requested to the webpages will be shown here, detailing the Group, who submitted it and its status.

  3. Click the turquoise view button next to the application to open up the application. Here you will see the current version and the changes the group wish to make.

  4. At the top right of the ‘changes requested’ box, navigate to the orange ‘decision’ box and click approve or decline.

  5. Approved changes will be made on the webpages automatically.

Updated on 1st February 2021