
Here is where you can set a modify auto emails that are sent out to your members and customers at various times, such as purchase confirmation emails and notifications when the status of an application has changed.

When you come on board with SUMS, a range of basic auto emails will be included for you, but you can add to these and modify them where needed:

  1. To create a new auto-email, click ‘+Email’ and enter the following:
    1. Short Name – such as ‘activity_election_winner’;
    2. Sender Name – such as ‘Lincoln SU’;
    3. Sender Email – this could be an email address for a particular team within your SU, or if applicable a ‘noreply’ email address;
    4. Reply Address - this could be an email address for a particular team within your SU, or if applicable a ‘noreply’ email address;
    5. Enter the relevant email content, including the subject and message text;
    6. You also have the option to include Google Analytics information to obtain statistical information.
  2. Click ‘Submit’ to save your new email.

Once created, you have the option to ‘Modify’ or ‘Remove’ your auto-emails at any time.

Note: Ensure you click Submit whenever you modify the details of an email in order to save any changes.

Created on 28th June 2021