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Adding Genders and Titles

Within the Admin module you are able to create genders and titles, which will feed into the following areas for selection:

  • Associate Membership application form (via webpage);
  • Associate Member creation/modification;
  • Advice Case member creation/modification (Genders only);
  • Incident Report form/view (Genders only)

The below will be available as default within the ‘Genders’ section of the ‘Admin’ module:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Other
  • Prefer not to say

Creating Genders

  1. Navigate to the ‘Admin’ module and select ‘Genders’;
  2. Click ‘Create Genders’ and enter a:

    1. Name;
    2. Code (up to 3 characters);
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to save.

Names and codes can be modified at any time; these can also be removed if required.

Please note: A Gender cannot be removed if it is assigned to a member within an Advice case.

Creating Titles

  1. Navigate to the ‘Admin’ module and select ‘Titles’;
  2. Click ‘Create Titles’ and enter a name;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to save.

Titles can be modified at any time; these can also be removed if required.

Created on 4th July 2022