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How do I create groups of permissions?

Groups can be used to create a predefined set of permissions which can then be applied to users within your SUMS system. For example, you could create groups named after roles within your organisation.

To create a new group:

  1. Select ‘Admin’ from the menu
  2. Go to ‘Groups
  3. Click ‘Create Group
  4. Add the name of the group and a description if needed
  5. Move the required permissions for the group from the ‘Available Systems’ box to the ‘Chosen Systems’ box
  6. Click ‘Submit

How do I assign permissions to a user?

Please note that permissions cannot be assigned to individual users and instead need to be assigned to groups. Users can then be assigned to the groups created previously, granting them all permissions associated with them.

To assign a user to a group:

  1. Select ‘Users’ within the ‘Admin’ module in the menu
  2. Click on 'Modify' next to the user
  3. Under ‘Available Groups’, select the correct ‘Group’ that you created previously with the required permissions and move this over to the ‘Chosen Groups’ box
  4. Select ‘Submit

Updated on 7th of October 2020