Email Templates

All emails sent throughout the Adverts process can be found within the ‘Admin’ module under ‘Emails’.

From here you will be able to find all emails relating to Adverts and modify the content to suit your Union.

We will provide the following templates for modification:

  1. adverts_advert_declined – sent to a member when their advert has been declined by a member of staff
  2. adverts_advert_approve – sent to a member when their advert has been approved
  3. adverts_advert_deactivated – sent to a member when an advert of theirs has been individually deactivated
  4. adverts_advert_activated – sent to a member when an advert of theirs has been activated

Emails can also be sent in regard to the below; a CRON job will need to be set up for these. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to enable this:

  1. adverts_advert_ending_soon – sent to a member when their advert is due to expire in 3 days
  2. adverts_advert_ended – sent to a member when their advert has ended
  3. adverts_advert_first_interest – sent to a member when they receive the first registered interest in one of their adverts

Created on 8th July 2022