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Cases Dashboard

‘My Cases’ Tab

This tab lists every open case that is assigned to you. The case will appear in ‘My Cases’ once you have been assigned to the case (the ‘assignee’) or if you are tagged into the case (see ‘Links’ in ‘Create Case’ below).

‘My Follow Up Cases’ Tab

In this tab, you can view the total number of open cases that have the ‘Follow Up Date’ set to the current date.

This feature allows Advisors to keep track of cases that require follow up on a daily basis.

‘My Overdue Cases’ Tab

This tab lists open cases where you have been set as the ‘Reviewer’ and the review date is overdue.

The number in brackets is the number of overdue cases that require an action.

‘My Review Cases’ Tab

In this tab you can view the open cases where you have been set as the ‘Reviewer’.

The number in brackets is the total number of open cases you are required to review.

‘All Cases’ Tab

This tab lists the total number of open cases.

The number in brackets is the total number of open cases in the Advice module.

This feature allows you to search all cases, including both open cases and closed cases. Search by surname to find a specific case or to see if a student has had a previous case open with the centre.

How do I upload a file to an Advice Case?

  1. Within ‘Cases’, find the relevant case using the tabs or the search bar;
  2. Click ‘View’ to enter the case;
  3. Under the ‘History’ tab, select the green ‘+Note’ button;
  4. A ‘Create Note’ box will appear, with a field to ‘Choose File’ to upload to the case;
  5. Select whichever file you require to add (this can be a Word Document, PDF, JPEG etc…) and then click ‘Submit’.

These documents will then be shown within the ‘History’ tab of the case, to be accessed whenever required.

Can I archive case notes?

You can archive a case note at any time, simply select the yellow ‘Archive’ button alongside the relevant note.

An entry will still show for the note confirming that it has been archived, but the content and any uploaded documents will not be available to view.

Updated on 14th November 2022