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In this section you can create advice categories to identify the different issues service users present with when accessing your service.

You can create parent categories to assign to your more specific case categories.

You may wish to create parent categories such as:

  • ‘Academic’
  • ‘Welfare’
  • ‘Housing’ etc…

…and then create additional sub-categories to further specify your cases, such as:

  • ‘Extension Request’
  • ‘Medical’
  • ‘Eviction’

You can also add unique codes for each of your sub-categories for further configuration.

How do I create parent categories?

  1. Under Categories, click ‘Parent Categories’;
  2. Click ‘Create Parent Category’ and enter the name of the category before submitting.

These parent categories will then be available for selection when you go to create your more specific ‘Categories’.

How do I create specific categories?

  1. Click ‘Create Category’;
  2. Enter the name of the category and select which parent category it needs to fall under;
  3. You can also assign a unique code for the category to mark your Advice Cases;
  4. You can then select the following options:
    1. College;
    2. School;
    3. Course;
    4. Module;
    5. Landlord (Landlord information can be added under the ‘Landlord’ section of the Advice module, and then selected from a dropdown menu when adding the category to the case);
  5. If your category relates to one of the above, select the tick box. This will ensure that any case under that category will show the School, Course, Module or Landlord information (this will be shown under the ‘Categories’ tab when you go to view the case).

What if I have a case involving multiple issues, will I have to create a new case for each category they fall under?

You can add as many categories as you require throughout the duration of a case to ensure you are covering all areas of the case.

Note: It is important to note that if you go on to delete a category, it will be removed from all cases where it was listed and will not show in your statistics.

Updated on 2nd February 2022