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Creating and Viewing Cases

How do I create a new Advice Case?

To create a new case, simply select the ‘Create Case’ option from within the Advice Module, and a new case will automatically be created for modification. Once created, you will see the following information at the top of the page:

  1. Case Number;
  2. Whether or not the case is ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’;
  3. Who the case is ‘Assigned’ to;
  4. Who the ‘Reviewer’ of the case is;
  5. Date Created;
  6. Date Updated;
  7. Planned ‘Follow-Up’ date;
  8. Planned ‘Review’ date;
  9. Closed’ date;
  10. Whether or not the case is Overdue;
  11. Auto Close Date (if applicable);
  12. Assignee Reviewed;
  13. Reviewer Reviewed;
  14. Linked Consent Form;
  15. Total Case Time.

There will also be an option to ‘Delete’ the case, as well as an ‘Options’ button, where you can:

  1. Select whether or not the case is ‘Open’;
  2. Enter a ‘Closure Reason’;
  3. Add an ‘Assignee’;
  4. Add a ‘Follow-up Date’;
  5. Add a ‘Review Deadline Date’;
  6. Add an ‘Overdue Time’ date;
  7. Select whether or not it has been ‘Reviewed’ by the Assignee;
  8. Add a ‘Reviewer’;
  9. Select whether or not it has been ‘Reviewed’ by the Reviewer;
  10. Attach a completed ‘Consent Form’;
  11. Add an ‘Auto Close Time’.

When you go to view the case, you will see the following tabs:

  1. Description:
    1. Add a ‘Title’ for the case, however you wish to organise your cases. For example, you may wish to name your cases with the Member’s Student ID & the main category of their case ie. ‘SMI12345678 – Academic’ (ensure you click ‘Save’ whenever the information in this box is changed);
      1. Note: The information given within theTitlebox for each case is what’s used to search for cases using theSearchbar.
    2. Add a ‘Description’ for the case. Again, use this for whatever information you would like to be made initially available for the case, such as how the member accessed your Advice Centre’s services and when they initially requested Advice (ensure you click ‘Save’ whenever the information in this box is changed).
  2. Categories - input the relevant case categories – multiple categories can be added at any time throughout the duration of the case to cover multiple areas in which the member may have been advised;
  3. Links – use this tab to link:
    1. A member to the case and enter their:
      1. Name and Contact Details;
      2. Demographical Information;
      3. Select how they would like to be contacted (Phone, Email and/or Address);
      4. Add a Security Question (see ‘Questions’ for further information);
      5. Confirm if a DPA has been issued, if any third parties will need to be involved, if there is a possible Conflict of Interest and if they are happy to complete survey upon closure of their case.
    2. A Staff Member to the case and enter their Name and an additional contact email (if applicable);
    3. An additional case, such as a previous case logged for that member – simply enter the case ID and click ‘Submit’ to add.
  4. Information Links – here you can input additional information, or links to sites in which that information was found, which relates to the case. For example, you may wish to save a link to a webpage regarding tenant’s rights, from which the Advisor has advised the student (ensure you click ‘Save’ whenever the information in this box is changed);
  5. Incoming – this tab allows an Advisor to input any services/individuals who referred or recommended your services to the student. Start typing the name of the service to select from the ‘Directory’ dropdown (services for this tab can be added within the ‘Incoming’ section of the Advice Module – see the ‘Incoming’ guide for more information). However, this can be filled in manually if required. This can be completed for cases you have created in anticipation of a member contacting you;
  6. Referrals – add here the details of any services you may have referred your student to. Start typing the name of the service to select from the ‘Directory’ dropdown (services for this tab can be added within the ‘Referrals’ section of the Advice Module – see the ‘Referrals’ guide for more information). However, this can be filled in manually if required;
  7. Funding – here you can add any funding that the student may be in receipt of relevant to the case. Confirm the ‘Type’ of funding (these can be created within the ‘Funding’ section of the Advice Module – see the ‘Funding’ guide for more information). Add the frequency and the amount and click ‘Submit’ to add to the case. You will be able to view a list of all of the funding related to that case under this tab, including the total weekly, monthly and annual income they will be receiving;
  8. History – Here you will be able to view a full history of the case, including when it was created, when any links were made, when any referrals or funding were registered to the case etc… You can also add case notes within this tab, such as to log when you have spoken to the student. You can upload any relevant documents, and confirm the contact method, interaction date and time (if applicable). Note: Once you have added a note, you are unable to modify or delete the note. If you require a note deleting, please submit a ticket to the Support Desk via [email protected] with the system ID and name of the note.
  9. Views – This tab records who has accessed the case file and when;
  10. Logs – here will show the information of every change or addition made to a case, such as a change of category or a submitted case note. It will show the username of the relevant member of staff, the ‘Type’ of the change made, the ‘Action’ taken, such as ‘Created’ or ‘Modified’, and the date and time in which this occurred. Options: Click on ‘Options’ at the top of the case page to:
    1. Close a case (see the ‘Closure’ guide for further information);
    2. To assign a case to a user;
    3. Enter a follow-up date for when you need to next action the case;
    4. Add a review deadline date to add a deadline for when the case requires review;
    5. Select an overdue time;
    6. You can then select when the case has been reviewed;
    7. Assign another user as a reviewer, and they can select again when they have reviewed the case;
    8. Select a relevant consent form for the member to sign when dealing with their case (see the ‘Consent Forms’ guide for further information);
    9. Add an auto close time if required.

Note: New cases should be created each time a member approaches your Advice Centre. Each student should not have only one case for their entire duration at university if they have visited your Advice Service on multiple occasions as this can cause issues with obtaining Advice statistics via the Advice module, or the reporting module.

Created on 12th January 2022