
The ‘Footfall Report’ area of the Advice module allows you to pull a graph showing the footfall of new advice cases by category, and also by the contact method.

You can select a specific date range for you to obtain your data from.

How can I select which categories are shown?

  1. Select ‘Footfall’ from the Advice module;
  2. Move the relevant categories from the ‘Available Categories’ to the chosen ‘Chosen Categories’ box;

How can I select which contact method I require?

  1. Select the relevant method from the ‘Contact Method’ dropdown;
  2. You can select from the various methods, or select to simply pull out footfall of all contact methods, or footfall that has been logged without noting a contact method;
  3. Once you have selected the relevant categories and contact methods, click ‘Submit’ to add to the ‘Footfall Report’.

Your report will then be shown within the ‘Footfall Report’ area of the Advice module.

There will also be an ‘All Categories’ overview at the bottom of the ‘Footfall Report’, outlining the total cases under each select category.

Updated on 2nd February 2022