
The statistics area of the Advice module allows you to search the data collected within the module by specific date ranges. You will be able to view a range of data, including:

  • Number of cases at various stages (new, updated, cases per user, closed);
  • Number of cases that are receiving funding, have been referred;
  • Number of cases in each School, College, Course etc… per academic year;
  • Time spent on cases;
  • Number of cases regarding particular Landlords

You are also able to export the available data into an Excel spreadsheet for future reference, which will provide you with a more in-depth report of your Advice cases, including the following tabs:

  1. Overall: This shows you new cases, closed cases, updated cases, on-going cases, new members advised, total case time on new cases, and case time for on-going cases;
  2. Categories: This shows you the amount of categories and sub categories assigned to a case within that time period;
  3. Category Fields: This shows you the breakdown of other fields, for example the Landlord additional field within a category;
  4. Members: This shows you the breakdown of member types that have opened cases;
  5. Referrals: This shows you the breakdown of referrals made to other services;
  6. Closed Cases: This shows you the breakdown of closure reasons;
  7. Staff: This shows you how many open cases are assigned to each staff member in that period;
  8. Case time: This shows a breakdown of how much case time has been inputted per category;
  9. Incoming: This shows a breakdown of incoming referrals/signposts.

Created on 12th January 2022