
Please see below for a list of the permissions available for this module and their functions:

  • [Equipment Register] Accessories – Will grant access to the ‘Accessories’ section in order to create and modify accessories.
  • [Equipment Register] Assets – Will grant access to the ‘Assets’ section in order to create and modify assets.
  • [Equipment Register] Categories – Will grant access to the ‘Categories’ section in order to create and modify categories.
  • [Equipment Register] Companies – Will grant access to the ‘Companies’ section in order to create and modify companies.
  • [Equipment Register] Components – Will grant access to the ‘Components’ section in order to create components.
  • [Equipment Register] Licences – Will grant access to the ‘Licences’ section in order to create and modify licences.
  • [Equipment Register] Locations – Will grant access to the ‘Locations’ section in order to create and modify locations.
  • [Equipment Register] Manufacturers – Will grant access to the ‘Manufacturers’ section in order to create and modify manufacturers.
  • [Equipment Register] Models – Will grant access to the ‘Models’ section in order to create and modify models.
  • [Equipment Register] Supplies – Will grant access to the ‘Suppliers’ section in order to create and modify suppliers.
  • [Equipment Register] Assignments – Will grant access to the ‘Assignments’ section in order to view assigned assets.
  • [Equipment Register] Deployment – Will grant access to the ‘Deployment’ section in order to deploy and return assets.
  • [Equipment Register] Types – Will grant access to the ‘Types’ section in order to create and modify types.

Created on 19th December 2023