Member Marketing Preferences
How can members adjust their marketing preferences?
Members can adjust their SU Marketing Preferences via the ‘Settings’ page found within their Student Dashboard. The ‘Email Preferences’ section will show all of the subscription groups that an SU member will be registered to and could receive communications from. They can use the toggles to adjust which communications they wish to receive from their Union based on their preferences.
All of the Activities/Student Groups that they have memberships for will also be displayed, allowing them to unsubscribe from communications that might be sent by committee members.
How can members unsubscribe from emails?
An ‘Unsubscribe’ link will be listed at the bottom of all mailers sent via SUMS.
When a member clicks this link, they will be taken to a separate tab in which they can adjust their member preferences. They will be given a range of options:
- They can unsubscribe from all ‘Charity’ emails;
- They can unsubscribe from all ‘Marketing’ emails;
(As determined by the ‘Context Type’ selected when creating a mailer).
Please note: these buttons can be disabled and help text added if you do not wish for them to be available for selection – see the ‘Settings’ section below for further guidance.
- They can adjust their preferences to individual subscription names within their subscription groups (these preferences can also be managed via their Student Dashboard/’My Account’ page within ‘Settings’, as listed above).
How can non-members unsubscribe from emails?
All emails sent to non-SU members will also hold an ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the mailer.
This will allow them to unsubscribe from the subscription group they are a part of for which they have received the mailer.
Available Settings
Settings for the ‘Charity’ and ‘Marketing’ buttons mentioned above can be found within System Configuration.
Scroll down the ‘Communications’ and you will have the following options:
- ‘Allow Charity Opt-Out’ – set whether you would like to allow this option;
- ‘Charity Opt-Out Help Text’ – add help text under this button on the unsubscribe page, i.e. to advise your members to opt-out of their SU to stop receiving charity emails;
- ‘Allow Commercial/Marketing Opt-Out’ – set whether you would like to allow this option;
- ‘Commercial/Marketing Opt-Out Help Text’ - add help text under this button on the unsubscribe page
Updated on 1st October 2024