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This section allows you to create Petitions to be hosted on your Students’ Union’s website.

Petitions can be created by both staff and students via the Student Dashboard.

How can I create a Petition via the Communications module?

  1. Within the ‘Petitions’ section of the Communications module, select ‘Create Petition’ and enter the following:

    1. Name of the petition;
    2. Description of the petition;
    3. Select whether you wish to allow Guest Signatures (leaving this unticked will require all signatories to log into the SU website before signing);
    4. Start and end dates;
  2. Click ‘Submit’ to save your petition.

You are able to modify the details of a petition at any time, including when the petition is live.

The ‘Decision’ column shown will confirm the following:

  1. Staff – the petition was created by a member of staff;

  2. Approved – the petition was submitted by a member via the Student Dashboard and approved by staff;

  3. Declined - the petition was submitted by a member via the Student Dashboard and declined by staff.

Petitions created by members

Members can create Petitions for approval via the Student Dashboard. Guidance for members can be found here:

Members will be able to track the status of their petitions and view the details of all petitions they have submitted, pending, approved and declined.

Please note that in order to use this functionality you will need to enable it via the 'Settings' page:

  1. Go to System Configuration > Settings and navigate to the 'Student Dashboard' dropdown menu;
  2. Under 'Available Settings', click the 'Petitions' setting;
  3. Click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

How do I review a petition submitted for approval?

  1. Within the ‘Petitions’ section of the Communications module, select ‘Pending’ to view a list of submitted petitions awaiting approval;
  2. Click ‘View’ to view the details of the submission;
  3. To make a decision on the petition, click ‘Approve’ or ‘Decline’;
  4. All submissions will appear within the main ‘Petitions’ table once a decision has been made.

Updated on 5th January 2024