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Modifying & Testing a Survey

Extending or reopening a Survey

  • Navigate to the ‘Active’ tab for a currently live survey, or the ‘Complete’ tab for an already expired survey.
  • Head to the right-hand side of the screen where the ‘Options’ are.
  • Click the purple ‘Extend’ button and enter the new date you want the survey to expire.
  • To extend a survey that is not active yet, simply click the blue ‘Modify’ button in and edit the expiry date.

Duplicating a Survey

Use the search bar to find the survey and click the pale blue ‘Copy’ button. A copy will be created in the ‘Pending’ tab which you can modify accordingly. This is useful if you would like to use the same questions from a previous survey, to save time on re-adding the questions.

Testing a Survey

  • On the right-hand side of the page under ‘Options’, click on the orange ‘Offline’ button.
  • Enter a random Student ID in the ‘Student ID’ box or search for one by clicking the blue magnifying glass icon next to the ‘Member ID’ box.
  • Click the blue ‘Submit’ button.
  • Click the blue ‘Survey' button or if you have made an error, click the orange ‘New’ button to enter a different Member / Student ID.

Publishing a Survey

Set the start date for your survey to the date you want it to go live by pressing the blue ‘Modify’ button in the ‘Pending’ tab and selecting the date and time.

A submit button must be added to the end of your survey for participants to be able to submit their answers. Open the drop-down menu as if you were adding another question, and select the ‘Submit’ option.

Exporting the Results

  • Click the dark blue ‘Export’ button next to any survey.
  • Untick any information you do not require in your report (all are ticked by default).
  • Click the blue ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page – this will automatically start a download to Excel.

Re-using a Survey URL

To reuse a survey URL, you will first need to revoke it from the existing survey.

  • Select the ‘Completed’ tab within Surveys;
  • Find the relevant survey and click the red ‘Revoke URL’ button.

Once you have done this, you will be able to submit a new survey with that URL you have just revoked.

Updated on 25th April 2022