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System Configuration & Permissions

Please see below for a list of the permissions available for this module and their functions:

  • [Coursemate] Dashboard – will grant access to the Coursemate Dashboard and statistics
  • [Coursemate] Submissions – will grant access to all Coursemate submissions and allow the user to progress these through all stages

Please see below for a list of settings available for this module and their functions. These can be found within the ‘Coursemate’ section of the Settings page:

SUMS Dashboard

  • Year to Date for Statistics – the date from which the ‘Total submissions this year’ statistic on the Coursemate Dashboard will be shown.

  • Auto Approve Comments – this will automatically approve all comments submitted by a Rep on a Coursemate submission, which will be shown on the Student Dashboard for the student to view.

  • Auto Approve Non ‘Mark as Complete’ Comments – this will automatically approve any comments submitted by a Rep that have not also been marked as complete.

  • Pending Action alerts – if you would like an automatic email to be sent to Reps to remind them to review a submission that has been assigned to them.

  • Pending Action Number of Days passed – if the above is set to ‘Yes’, confirm after how many days you would this email to be sent to the Rep.

Student Dashboard

  • Students see all submissions – this will allow all students to view all feedback that has been submitted for their course, including the content and any comments submitted against the feedback.

  • Students see declined submissions - this will allow all students to view all declined feedback that has been submitted for their course, including the content.

  • Reps see all submissions - this will allow all Reps to view all feedback that has been submitted for their course, including the content and any comments submitted against the feedback.

  • Show 'Help Me' button – this will show a help button on the Rep Dashboard for Reps to select if they require assistance with a submission.

  • Reps see declined submissions - this will allow all Reps to view all declined feedback that has been submitted for their course, including the content.

  • 'Help Me' Student Union email address – if the above is set to ‘Yes’, confirm to which address the email should be sent if Rep 1 asks for assistance from their Student Union.

Additional Setting

To allow Students to be able to submit feedback via their Student Dashboard, this must also be turned on via Settings:

  1. Scroll down to the ‘Student Dashboard’ section of the Settings page;

  2. Under ‘Visibility Options’, ensure ‘Coursemate’ has been moved over to the ‘Chosen Settings’ box;

  3. Click ‘Save’ to update your settings and Coursemate will then be available on the Student Dashboard.

Updated on 19th December 2023