Email Templates

All emails sent throughout the Coursemate process can be found within the ‘Admin’ module under ‘Emails’.

From here you will be able to find all emails relating to Coursemate and modify the content to suit your Union.

We will provide the following templates for modification:

  1. coursemate_submission – sent to the student to confirm that their submission ash been received

  2. coursemate_submission_approved – sent to the student when their submission has been approved and assigned to Rep 1

  3. coursemate_submission_declined – sent to the student if their submission has been declined

  4. rep_coursemate_submission_assign – sent to the Rep when a submission has been assigned to them by a staff member (Rep 1) or by Rep 1 (Rep 2)

  5. rep_coursemate_submission_comment_approve – sent to the relevant Rep when their comment has been approved

  6. rep_coursemate_submission_comment_declined – sent to the Rep when their comment has been declined

  7. coursemate_submission_comment – sent to the student when a Rep comments on their submission and this has been approved

  8. rep_coursemate_pending_action – sent to Rep 1 when they haven’t left a comment and/or assigned a submission to Rep 2 (setting available)

  9. rep_coursemate_pending_comments - sent to Rep 2 when they haven’t yet left a comment on a submission (setting available)

  10. rep_coursemate_assistance – sent if a Rep clicks the ‘Help’ button on the student dashboard to request assistance with a submission. If selected by Rep 1, this will be sent to the Student Union (email address can be confirmed within the settings). If selected by Rep 2, this will be sent to Rep 1.

Created on 21st June 2022