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Rep Guidance

Coursemate is a function that allows students to be able to submit feedback/issues in relation to their university course to their Student Union and Reps. This could include feedback on lectures, concerns over a lack of resources or requests for additional support.

As a Rep, you can view and deal with course feedback submitted by students via your Rep Dashboard. All submissions will be reviewed and assigned by your Student Union to a first Rep, i.e. School Rep (Rep 1) which can then be reassigned to a second Rep, i.e. Course Rep (Rep 2) if needed.

Rep 2 will be able to comment on the feedback and mark it as complete, but not reassign the submission to another Rep.

Your Coursemate Dashboard

Navigate to the ‘Coursemate’ section of your Rep Dashboard and you will see ‘In Progress’ and ‘Completed’ tabs from where you can review and keep track of your Coursemate submissions.

When you first view your Coursemate page, you will be shown 3 statistics:

  • Number of submissions awaiting action from you
  • Number of submissions awaiting action from others (i.e. you have commented on a submission and are awaiting its approval)
  • Your total number of completed submissions

What if I have been elected into multiple Rep Roles?

If you hold more than 1 Rep role, you will be able to select from which role you would like to view your submissions.

Your Coursemate page will then only show the submissions relevant to the selected role.

How will I know that I have been assigned a Coursemate submission?

As a Rep, you will receive an email if a submission has been assigned to you by your Student Union or by Rep 1 (i.e. your School Rep).

If your Student Union has set this, you may receive a follow-up email after a submission has been assigned to you if it has not yet been commented on and/or assigned to Rep 2.

Reviewing a Coursemate Submission

To review a Coursemate submission that has been assigned to you:

  1. Navigate to the ‘In Progress’ tab within the Coursemate section of your Rep Dashboard;
  2. All of your current submissions will be listed showing:
    1. Title of the feedback;
    2. Date and time of submission;
    3. Status of the submission:
    4. In Progress;
      1. Comment submitted;
      2. Awaiting action (if you are Rep 1);
      3. Awaiting comment (if you are Rep 2);
  3. Click ‘View’ to review the feedback and view the academic information of the student, including:
    1. College;
    2. School;
    3. Course;
    4. Year of Study;
  4. A blue box will show confirming when the feedback was assigned, along with any additional information that may have been provided by the member of Student Union staff that assigned it to you.

Commenting on a Submission

  1. Navigate to the ‘Leave a Comment’ section on the submission’s page;
  2. Enter the comment you wish to leave;
  3. Click ‘Submit’.

Your comment will be reviewed by a member of staff and subsequently approved or declined:

  1. Approved:

    1. You will receive an email confirming that your comment has been approved;
    2. Staff can adjust your comment if required, so view the comment for any changes that may have been made;
    3. The student who submitted the feedback will receive an email confirming that you have left a comment and they will be able to view this via their Student Dashboard.
  2. Decline:

    1. You will receive an email confirming that your comment has been declined;
    2. The member of staff who declined your comment may have left feedback as to why they made this decision, which can be found when you go to ‘View’ the submission via the ‘In Progress’ tab.

Assigning Feedback to another Rep

If you are the first Rep (Rep 1) that a submission has been assigned to by your Student Union, you are able to reassign this to another Rep, i.e. a Course Rep (Rep 2).

  1. Navigate to the ‘Assign Rep’ section on the submission’s page;

  2. Start typing the name of the Rep you wish to assign the feedback to and select them from the dropdown menu;

  3. Enter any additional information you may wish to leave for the new Rep;

  4. Click ‘Assign’.

Once reassigned, you will still be able to view the submission via the ‘In Progress’ tab, leave a comment and reassign to an alternative Rep if required.

Which Reps can I assign a submission to?

You can assign submissions to any Reps that you can manage/communicate with as standard via your Rep Dashboard.

You cannot assign feedback to a Rep that you are only able to view via your Rep Dashboard.

If you cannot find the Rep you wish to assign a submission to, please contact your Student Union to confirm if you should be able to pass the submission over to this Rep.

Can feedback be assigned back to me after I have reassigned it?

Your Student Union can reassign submissions to any Reps at any time, including to Reps that have previously reviewed the feedback.

You will receive another email confirming that this has been reassigned to you if this is the case.

From here, you will again be able to comment on the submission and reassign to another Rep if needed.

Requesting Assistance

Your Student Union may have set for a help button to be available on your Coursemate Dashboard.

If you would like some assistance with a submission, click this button to contact:

  • Your Student Union (if you are Rep 1)
  • Your previous Rep (Rep 1) if you are Rep 2

Marking a Submission as Complete

You are able to complete a submission at any time via the ‘Leave a Comment’ section:

  1. Leave a comment as usual;
  2. Select the ‘Mark as Complete’ tick box before submitting.

Your Student Union will need to approve your comment and subsequently mark the submission as complete on their end in order for the feedback to be fully completed.

Completed submissions will then push through to the ‘Completed’ tab within the Rep Dashboard for you to be able to view the details if needed in future.

Please note: If your Student Union has set this, you may be able to view all Completed and/or Declined feedback that apply to your particular course(s).

If they have not set this, you will only be able to view the completed submissions that you have worked on.

Created on 21st June 2022