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Student Guidance

The ‘Coursemate’ section of the Student Dashboard allows you to submit feedback/issues in relation to your university course to your Student Union and Reps. This could include feedback on lectures, concerns over a lack of resources or requests for additional support.

Please see below for guidance on how you can submit feedback and keep track of Rep comments.

How can I submit feedback about my course to my Student Union/Rep?

You are able to submit feedback via Coursemate:

  • On the SU App – find the ‘Coursemate’ icon on the app homepage and add a title, your feedback, and click ‘Submit’ to send to your Student Union.
  • On your Student Dashboard – please see below for further guidance:

Navigate to the ‘Coursemate’ section of your Student Dashboard and you will be given an area for you to submit your feedback, as well as ‘In Progress’ and ‘Completed’ tabs to keep track of all of your submissions.

To submit your feedback:

  1. Enter a title for your feedback at the top of the page, i.e. lack of research material;
  2. Enter your comments within the ‘Feedback’ box. Provide as much information as you can for your Student Union and Rep(s);
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to send your feedback to your Student Union.

What will happen after I have submitted my Coursemate feedback?

Once you have submitted your feedback, you will receive an email confirming that your submission has been received.

This will then be reviewed initially by your Student Union, who will either decline your submission or approve and assign your feedback to a Rep to further review and resolve for you.

Reps will review your feedback, add comments, reassign to a second Rep if required, and, if they can, resolve and complete your submission.

How can I track the progress of my submission?

You will be able to track the progress of your feedback via the ‘In Progress’ tab. Within this tab you will see the:

  • Feedback title;
  • Submission date and time;
  • Status – this will show as:
    • ‘Submitted’ – after the feedback has been submitted and is being reviewed by your Student Union;
    • ‘In Progress’ – once your feedback has been assigned to a Rep.

Click the ‘View’ button to see the details you submitted and further information on the current status of your submission.

Here it will confirm when your submission:

  • Was reviewed by your Student Union;
  • Was assigned to a Rep;
  • Was commented on by a Rep…

…plus the date and time the status of your submission changed.

If your feedback has been assigned to a Rep, it will confirm on this page which Rep it was assigned to and when. This will update whenever your feedback may be reassigned to a different Rep.

If a Rep has commented on your feedback and this has been approved by your Student Union, you will receive an email confirming the details.

How can I find my submissions once they have been completed?

Once your submission has been marked as complete by your Student Union or Rep, they can be found within the ‘Completed’ tab of the Coursemate section.

Click ‘View’ again to see the details of your feedback. Further information will be given confirming when and who declined/completed your submission, plus any comments that were included when a decision was made.

Can I view declined submissions?

You will be able to view any of your declined submission via the ‘Completed’ tab.

Your Student Union may have set to allow you to view all declined submissions under your course.

If they have, you will be able to view all declined submissions submitted for your course within the ‘Completed’ tab as well.

As with all feedback, you will be able to ‘View’ the details submitted, but not who they were submitted by.

Created on 21st June 2022