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Activity Statistics

This guide covers how you can track the progress of your committee nominations by using the Activity statistics available within the Elections module.

These statistics provide you with a quick insight into the percentage of committee nominations that you have received within various categories, allowing you to track engagement during your committee elections.

Where can I find these statistics?

You can find these statistics via the Activity tab within your elections module.

To view your stats, simply enter the voting period that applies to the relevant elections to take them into consideration within your stats.

If you have elections running voting periods at different times, you can simply enter the start date of the earliest voting period to the end date of the latest, to encompass all of your elections.

4 statistics will be available for you to view:

  • Positions Nominated
  • Sports Positions
  • Society Positions
  • Academic Positions

The Positions Nominated statistic will show the percentage of positions that have received nominations for all of the committee elections within the date parameters that you have set.

The remaining statistics will show the same, but only for the activities/student groups that are taken into account within each category.

How can I determine which activities/student groups are taken into account for each statistic?

Settings are available which will allow you to determine which activities feed which statistics. These settings can be found within System Configuration.

For each statistic you can select which Activities you wish to contribute. Each activity is prefixed with its category, so if you wish to select activities within certain categories you can search based on the category name and select all those that apply.

Once an activity has any committee elections open for nominations, these will then be taken into account and contribute to the progress of the statistic as nominations are received.

How can I set a target for each of my statistics?

Also available within your settings are options for you to set a target for each of your statistics. These targets can also be adjusted whenever you need, so you can adjust these accordingly for each committee election period.

This target will appear underneath each statistic, so you can compare with your live figures.

Created on 10th December 2024