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How do I calculate the results of all elections in a period?

Once a period has been created and elections have been assigned, select the green ‘Calculate’ button to view a list of the elections that are included within the period.

Prior to calculation, you will be able to ‘View’ the individual pages of each election as required.

When you are ready to calculate a period, select the green ’Calculate Period’ button at the top of the page.

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you are happy to proceed with the calculation; the calculation will begin once this has been accepted and submitted.

Your results will begin to calculate, and calculation dates and information will start to appear alongside each of your elections.

The completion of the calculation of all results will depend on how many elections are included within the period.

To provide updates on how many have been calculated, the page will refresh around every 5 seconds, confirming which elections have been calculated so far. This will continue until all elections have been calculated or attempted to be calculated.

  • Successful Calculations – the date and time of the calculation will appear within the ‘Calculated’ column. Additional information may appear within the ‘Notice’ column, or will show as N/A
  • Unsuccessful Calculations – ‘No’ will appear within the ‘Calculated’ column. Confirmation of why the results were not successful will appear within the ‘Notice’ column.

What will show within the 'Notice' column? The ‘Notice’ column will typically show why an election has not been successfully calculated, such as:

  • There are insufficient votes to calculate a result.
  • There needs to be at least X candidates, but there are only Y. (where the option to ‘Automatically Adjust Positions’ has not been enabled).
  • There are no winners in the election (e.g. only spoilt votes were cast and so there are no winners of the election).
  • A winner cannot be selected as there is a tie. (where ‘Prevent Tie Break’ has been selected during the creation of the election).
    (where auto-population of positions or emails have been set up within the period, these will not be fulfilled in the event of a tie where ‘Prevent Tie Break’ has been enabled. When the winning candidate has been decided upon, any relevant emails will need sending, and the candidate added into their relevant role within SUMS)

This column may also display additional information against elections that have been successfully calculated, such as: - The election results have already been calculated. - There is a tie.

How do I view the results of my bulk calculation? There are 2 ways in which you can view the results of your elections:

  1. A green ‘Results’ button will appear alongside your elections once calculated. Selecting this will take you to the results page for the individual election in a new window
  2. You can download a spreadsheet of the results of all the elections in the period. Select the blue ‘Download Results’ button to export a spreadsheet (in .csv format) of your results. The file will include:
    1. election_id – the system ID of the individual election
    2. election_name – the name of the individual election
    3. candidate_id – the ID of the candidate (as generated upon nomination, this is not the member ID)
    4. candidate_name – the full name of the candidate
    5. is_elected - confirmation of whether they were successful. – using “Yes” and “No”
    6. email_address

Can I revert the results calculation of a period? As with the calculation of individual election results, the bulk calculation of an election period cannot be reverted once this has been completed.

Please therefore ensure that you have the relevant settings applied to the period (e.g. auto-population of roles, auto-emails to candidates etc…) as required and that you are sure that you wish to calculate the results of all elections within the period before this is actioned.

Created on 25th January 2024