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Election Groups

How can I restrict nominations to one per member?

Election ‘Groups’ can be found under the 'Configuration' tab within the Elections module.

Election Groups allow you to combine multiple elections, for which members can only nominate themselves for one of the positions in that Group.

For example, you may wish to restrict your Full-Time Officer elections so members can only submit a candidacy for one of these roles.

  1. Navigate to the 'Configuration' tab within the Elections module
  2. Under 'Management', select ‘Groups’
  3. Click ‘Create Election Group’
  4. Name the group
  5. Select the relevant Elections from the ‘Available Elections’ list to add them to the Group
  6. Click ‘Submit’

You can modify the Elections within a group at any time, including when any of the Elections are live.

An Election group can be removed at any time. If multiple Elections within a deleted group are live at the time of removal, members can, after this point, nominate themselves for any number of these roles.

Please note: This will not affect previous nominations made before the group was removed.

Updated on 9th February 2024