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Election Categories

You are now able to categorise your elections, further streamlining and improving the student journey where nominations and votes are submitted during your busy elections season.

For example, you may wish to categorise your elections as below:

  • Sabbatical Officers
  • Liberation Officers
  • Academic Representation
  • Committee Positions

How do I create a new election category?

  1. Navigate to the ‘Configuration’ tab within the Elections module;
  2. Under ‘Management’ select ‘Categories’;
  3. Click ‘Create Category’ and enter a name;
  4. Select ‘Submit’ to save your new election category.

The names of your categories can be modified at any time when needed.

Note: If you need to remove a category, these cannot be removed where they are tied to an existing election.

How do I assign a category to an election?

  1. When setting up an election, navigate to the ‘Additional Options’ section;
  2. You will be able to select your relevant ‘Category’ from the dropdown found under ‘Member Definition’.

Created on 23rd November 2023