Key Election Statistics

Key statistics for your elections can now be found within the main Elections page.

Using the ‘Date Range’ feature, which is located above your statistics, you will be able to view figures within a certain date range of your choice, giving you an insight into elections engagement without the need to create complex reports!

Alternatively, you can select from key times such as the statistics for the week, month, or even the year.

Statistics that are available are as follows:

  • Elections Open for Voting
  • Total Number of Candidates
  • Number of Unique Voters
  • Total Number of Voters

Following on from Phase 1 of the implementation of Election Statistics, additional functionality has been released to make it easier for users to obtain figures within key timeframes.

You can now select from the following:

  • Today
  • This week
  • This month
  • This year
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Last year
  • Custom (input your date parameters)

Updated on 23rd November 2023