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Offline Election


One option in the elections system is to input elections that have taken place using physical ballot cards. This allows the election candidates to be tied to a Student ID.

I want to run an offline election

  • Create an election using the ‘how to set up an election’ guide.
  • When you are creating an election, select the ‘voting location’ as ‘offline’
  • Do not allow nominations. You can optionally allow nominations if you wanted to do an election e.g. in which you ask students in a lecture to nominate themselves online if they are interested in being the rep, however if ‘offline’ is selected, you will still be able to input votes manually.
  • Click ‘submit’
  • Go to the main elections screen which lists your current elections. You should see the election you have just created.
  • If you haven’t already added candidates, click ‘view’ to view the election.
  • There is an ‘add candidate’ button on this screen. This will allow you to add students using either their student ID, or if this is not possible, as an ‘object’. Please note, if you do not use the student ID it will not tie the election to the student.
  • Once you have done this, please go back to the main elections screen that lists your current elections.
  • At the times you have set voting to be open for, a grey ‘votes’ button will appear. If you do not have this button, please try refreshing your browser, and check you have the right permissions.
  • Click on the ‘votes’ button.
  • A screen will load which has all of your candidates for the election listed, and a drop down beneath them. Input the ballot cards into the system, by selecting the preferences on your physical ballot cards from the drop down lists below each candidate.
  • When you are done, click ‘add vote’.
  • Repeat this until you have inputted all your ballot cards.
  • On the main elections screen, click ‘view’ to view your election again. When your voting time is lapsed, you will be able to calculate the vote by clicking ‘results’. If you need to change your voting end time at any point during the process, please click ‘modify’ on the main elections screen and edit the end time.

Updated on 8th June 2020