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Member Definitions

To create a definition:

  1. Select 'Definitions' within the 'Members' module
  2. Click '+ Definition' then enter the name and select 'Submit'

You also have options to 'Modify' or 'Remove a definition.

How do I assign member definitions to an Election?

When creating a new election, scroll down to ‘Membership Definition’ at the bottom of the screen to select the member definitions eligible to vote in that election.

You are able to select multiple definitions if required, by selecting ctrl (Windows) or cmd (Apple) and selecting the relevant definitions.

When can a student self-define?

Students can self-define when:

  • Nominating themselves via the website
  • Voting via the website
  • Voting via the app

How do I enable member definitions for selection on the website?

You will need to check with your web developer if the definitions you have created have been enabled on the website when nominating and voting in an election.

How do I enable self-definitions for selection on the app?

Self-definitions that are added on SUMS will automatically pull through to the app for selection when a student goes to vote in an election.

Updated on 9th February 2024