Statistics Data Feed

To configure the live feed of your election statistics data to be accessed through Pluto API.

  1. Navigate to ‘System Configuration’ < ‘Settings’ < ‘Elections’ < ‘Statistics’;
  2. Set ‘Use Custom Election Statistics Dates’ to Yes;
  3. Enter a Start/End Date that corresponds to the date range you wish to produce a statistics feed of. Please ensure:
    1. Both Start and End Date are entered;
    2. Start Date is prior to the End Date;
    3. The difference between the Start and End Date is less than 1 year;
    4. Start Date is in the past;
  4. Click ‘Save’.

Once configured, the statistics feed is checked hourly to update the output of the API endpoint when required:

  • If the End Date is in the past (eg. Summary of a previous year’s elections), the feed will be updated once and remain static;
  • If the End Date is in the future (eg. Live data of your currently running elections) the feed will be updated hourly to reflect any new votes to elections within that date range giving real-time insight into your election engagement.

To change the date range your statistic data is being calculated over, simply change the start and end dates to reflect your new desired date range, as outlined above within ‘System Configuration’.

Created on 7th January 2022