Can I view the setup of an election whilst it is live?

You can now view the setup of and modify your elections at any stage, including during voting. Simply select 'Modify' alongside the relevant election to review the creation and configuration of an election.

You can view and modify the settings of an election within the following tabs:

  • Dynamic
  • Previous
  • Current

This new process will allow you to make any modifications, such as:

  • Adding another position to an election just before voting starts.
  • Adjusting the ‘Display Order’ during voting to move key elections to the top of your elections list.
  • Extending your voting period.
  • Preventing a tie break right up until the end of the voting period…
  • …and more!

Note: If any adjustments are made to the nomination requirements whilst the nominations period is live, this will not affect any existing candidate submissions.

If any adjustments are made during voting, such as allowing spoilt votes halfway through the voting period, this will not affect any votes already cast.

Created on 31st October 2023