Creating Volunteering Opportunities

You can create Volunteering Opportunities within the ‘Opportunities’ area of the Employability module.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Opportunities’ tab of the module;
  2. Click ‘Create Opportunity’ and add the following information:

    1. 'Name'– type the name of the Opportunity. Sometimes it isn’t obvious who the role is for especially if the name is quite vague, so include the Organisation name in the Opportunity Name;
    2. 'Organisation' – select the relevant Organisation (these are pulled either from the Organisations that have signed up via the Volunteering Portal, or ones that have been created within the ‘Organisations’ tab within the Employability module);
    3. 'Hidden on web' – select this if you don’t want the Opportunity to go live straight away;
    4. 'Skills' – select the Skills which are relevant to the Opportunity. These Skills can be created under Employability > Skills;
    5. 'Categories' – select the Categories the relevant categories within which the Opportunity will sit, these can be created under Employability > Categories;
    6. 'Schools' – select the relevant School and/or Department that the Opportunity relates to;
    7. Select the relevant 'Location’ of the Opportunity from the dropdown menu, such as ‘Off-Campus’ (Locations for your Opportunities can be created within the 'Locations' area of the Employability module);
    8. Select the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' for the Opportunity;
    9. Enter the ‘Frequency’ of the opportunity i.e. daily, weekly, monthly etc… (these can be created within the Volunteering dashboard - this is optional);
    10. 'DBS' – select this option if students would require a DBS check for the Opportunity;
    11. 'Available Places' – type the number of available places or type ‘-1’ for unlimited places;
  3. You can then add information regarding the opportunity, including:

    1. Tasks;
    2. Location Details;
    3. Support;
    4. Qualities;
    5. Availability;
    6. Additional Information
  4. Once you have included all of the relevant information, click 'Submit';

  5. You can 'Modify' or ‘Remove’ an Opportunity at any time.

Updated on 14th June 2022