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Logging Hours for an Opportunity


This can be used to log hours on members’ Skills Logs for opportunities. You can also search for students’ hours using the same filters as the ‘Courses’ section.


  1. Navigate to the ‘Hours’ tab of the module.
  2. Click ‘Create Hours’.
  3. ‘Student’ – begin typing Student ID and select the student.
  4. ‘Description’- this is optional but can be used to write a brief description of the activity undertaken.
  5. ‘Opportunity’ – select the Opportunity.
  6. You can create an Opportunity under Employability > Opportunities.
  7. ‘Hours’ – number of hours.
  8. ‘Minutes’- number of minutes.
  9. ‘Approval Date’ – the date you approve the hours.
  10. Click ‘Submit’.

Updated on 13th May 2020