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Logging Student Interest in an Opportunity


This can be used to view student expressions of interest in opportunities, as well as manually create an interest for a student. Before an expression is created, the opportunity needs to have been created using Employability > Opportunities.


  1. Navigate to the ‘Interest’ tab of the module.
  2. Click ‘Create Interest’.
  3. ‘Member’ – start typing Student ID and select the student.
  4. ‘Opportunity’ – select the Opportunity.
  5. ‘Status’ – select the relevant status according to your own SU’s processes.
  6. ‘Notes’ – this is optional but can be used to record notes.
  7. Click ‘Submit’.

The icons on the right-hand side can be used to place the student, mark the interest as ‘did not proceed’, to modify the interest or to remove it. This feeds into Employability > Statistics and Employability > Placements.

Use the ‘Modify’ icon to change the status of the interest or to add further notes.

Updated on 13th May 2020