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Within a Course, you can create Modules. For example, if you had a training Course named ‘Course Rep Training’, you might create Modules within this with different content and exams such as ‘How to Communicate Effectively’, ‘How to Gather Feedback’ and ‘How to Chair a Meeting’.


  1. Next to a Course, click the green ‘Modules’ button.
  2. Click ‘Create Module’ in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Enter the Name of your Module.
  4. Choose a Start and End Date.
  5. Select whether you would like to Follow Up the training and enter a URL to direct the students to if they successfully pass the training in ‘Success URL’.
  6. Select the Skills relevant to this Module (these are set up in the ‘Skills’ part of the module). These will pull through to the students’ Skills Log upon completion.
  7. Click ‘Submit’.

Updated on 13th May 2020