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Booking and Delivery Fees


The SUMS platform enables organisations to determine whether they wish products they sell online to have a booking fee. It also allows users to determine whether they wish to add a delivery fee to orders, as well as automate free delivery over a certain value.

I want to add a booking fee value to my product – on some products I want to put a flat fee, and on others I want to put a percentage?

  1. Navigate to the products section of the EPOS module by going to EPOS-> zones, selecting the zone you want to create the product in, and selecting products.

  2. Under Shop Options, check the add booking fee box. You will be asked to select from a drop down whether you would like to set:

    1. a flat fee;
    2. a percentage;
    3. your default booking fee.
  3. If you have selected to input a flat fee or a percentage, a box will open asking you enter a value for your fee, or to confirm the percentage;

  4. If you have selected the default option, the fee will be whatever default booking fee set within your database (if one has been set – please see below for further information);

  5. Click the green Submit button;

  6. This will now create your product with the booking fee added as indicated. The booking fees will continuously add together relevant to the products you have in your basket and the type (percentage or flat fee) you have added.

I want to set the same booking fee value for my whole organisation...

  1. Please email [email protected], detailing the default booking fee amount you would like (this should be a % figure)

  2. Navigate to the products section of the EPOS module by going to EPOS-> zones, selecting the zone you want to create the product in, and selecting products.

  3. Under Shop Options, check the add booking fee box. You will be asked to select from a drop down whether you want to input a flat fee, a percentage or the default amount.

  4. Select the default amount and click the green Submit button.

  5. This will now create your product with the booking fee added as indicated. The booking fees will continuously add together relevant to the products you have in your basket

I want to delivery fee for my orders set all products

  1. In System Configuration -> Settings under EPOS, against delivery fee set the default delivery fee value you wish to assign to your order.

  2. Navigate to the products section of the EPOS module by going to EPOS-> zones, selecting the zone you want to create the product in, and selecting products.

  3. Under Shop Options, check the add delivery fee box.

  4. Click the green Submit button.

  5. This will now create your product with the delivery fee added to the order as indicated.

I want to make delivery free when an order is more than a certain amount...

  1. In System Configuration -> Settings under EPOS, against delivery fee set the default delivery fee value you wish to assign to your order.

  2. Then, against the free value box, set the value you wish delivery on orders to not be applied after.

  3. Navigate to the products section of the EPOS module by going to EPOS-> zones, selecting the zone you want to create the product in, and selecting products.

  4. Under Shop Options, check the add delivery fee box.

  5. Click the green Submit button.

  6. This will now create your product with the delivery fee added to the order as indicated. Once orders get above the threshold you have set in point 2, delivery will not be charged.

Updated on 2nd June 2021