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How to Capture Extra Information from a Customer


In SUMS you have the ability to capture any extra information during the purchase of a product on the website or through the till. For example, you could ask for names, email addresses, phone numbers etc. during a public sale or you could ask the customer for their meal choice if you were selling a product for a meal. You can create these to capture a variety of different data.

Create a new field

  1. Once logged onto SUMS, scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar and select System Configuration. Within there, select Capture Fields;

  2. In the top corner of the module, select Create Field

  3. Give the field a relevant name

  4. Choose a type to validate against:

    i. Alphanumeric - General text entry, where you want only A-Z and/or 0-9. For example, a student ID.

    ii. Text only - Only text can be added by the user (for example, an email address or street name)

    iii. Numbers only - Only numbers can be added by the user, for example a quantity.

    iv. Dropdown - This will ask the user to chose between the pre-defined values you set for this field.

  5. Set whether the field is required or not. If not set, this will be an optional field for the user when buying a product.

  6. Set the min and max character fields. For example, if you had a seating arrangement and asked the customer to select their table, but there were only 100 tables available, you could select your min figure to 0 and max to 100.

  7. If you're setting up a dropdown, you can include the values at the bottom of this form. Seperate each value with a semi-colon.

Add field to a product

  1. Navigate to the EPOS module and find the product you want to want to capture extra information for.

  2. Within the create/modify section of a product, scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll find Extra Capture Fields

  3. You'll be presented with a selection box which you will be able to find all capture fields setup within your organisation. Simply choose the one(s) you would like to add and then save your changes.

  4. Now, if you navigate to the product on the website, you'll be prompted to fill in the capture fields you selected

Additional Information

Please be aware that if you change/remove a capture field that is currently applied to a product, it will change live on the website and tills.

Updated on 5th July 2019