Categorising Products

It may be helpful to put your products into different categories so that they can be managed more easily, and reported on.

To create a category and put your products into it, in the zone the product is created in:

  • Click ‘categories’
  • Click ‘create category’
  • Start by creating your overarching categories e.g. wet/dry etc. For these, do not input anything into the ‘parent’ box
  • In the kitchen receipt printer box, mark this as default
  • Under coding, set the group as the SKU group that the category relates to. For the overarching category, e.g. dry, the group might be ‘dry’ (SKU Groups can be set up in EPOS -> SKU group)
  • Under department, select the company, cost centre, and department that you want sales of anything in the category to go into (To set financial structures, please see the Finance documentation)
  • Under nominal, select the nominal you want the sales from anything in the category to go into
  • Under VAT, set the appropriate VAT rate (To set VAT rates, please see the finance documentation)
  • Click Submit
  • Then, create parent categories by clicking ‘create categories’, name your category e.g. food.
  • Select the parent category e.g. dry (these are set up in EPOS -> SKU group)
  • Leave the kitchen receipt printer as default
  • Input your coding as above
  • Click submit
  • Then, add products into the categories, by clicking ‘create category’
  • Name your category e.g. breakfasts, and this time set the parent category as food (this will subsequently mark all breakfasts as ‘food’ and as ‘dry’ as you have previously set all food items as ‘dry items’
  • Re-input your coding as above
  • Click submit
  • Repeat this for all categories

Updated on 14th May 2020