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Adding a New Product

  1. Once logged onto SUMS, scroll down to the EPOS section of the sidebar and choose 'Zones'.

  2. In the table of zones, find the one you would like to create a product in and click the 'Enter Zone' button.

  3. Click on 'Products'

  4. In the top right corner, click the 'Create Product' button.

  5. Basic Information

    • "Name" - Enter the name of the product.
    • "Caption" - Enter a caption for the product, this will appear on the receipt.
    • "URL Name" - If required, enter the link to the product on the website (e.g /shop/product/product-name).
    • "Barcode" - Any product barcodes can be added here so when scanned in on the till, this product will appear.
    • "Description" - If required, enter a product description. This is used for online products only.
    • "Category" - This is the category that the products falls under (e.g bottled drink, burger, desert)
    • "Active" - This button is used as an internal flag only, and does not directly impact whether the product will appear on the website. Please use the 'Sale Dates' setting in the 'Shop Finance' tab to set the dates the product will be visible on your website.
    • "Fixed price" - Check the box if you wish the product to have a fixed price, or unchecked if you wish to define a price at the point of sale.
    • "Full Price" - Enter the full price of the product you're creating.
    • "Till Screen" - If the product is going to be sold from a till, select from the dropdown where on the till the product can be found.
  6. Makeup (if required) is the creation of a product that requires multiple units of stock. (e.g if the product was a cocktail you would list the ingredients and amount of units used in the product.)

    • Click the 'Add Makeup' button to add a new row to the section. Add as many rows as is necessary to create the product.
    • Select the sale unit from the dropdown box.
    • Enter the amount of units which are used per-product.
    • The price statistics of the product will be shown in the bottom right corner of the makeup section.
  7. Condiments If your product contains condiments, you can add these here.

    • Click the 'add condiment' button.
    • Select the required condiment group from the dropdown list.
    • Define the order the condiments are shown (e.g 1, 2, 3).
  8. Prices A price tier can be used to set different prices for different quantities of product.

  9. Bar Options

    • "Send to kitchen" - Check the box if you wish for the product to be sent through to the kitchen as an order.
    • "Require table number" - Check the box if you wish for a table number to be required when ordering the product.
  10. Shop Options can be set to configure different parameters of the product sale (e.g where the product is sold)

    • "Are there a limited number of products?" - If ticked, this allows you to set the total number of products that can be sold (When this is set against a product created within EPOS, this number will update accordingly when a product is sold or refunded to reflect the remaining number of products available for sale.);
    • "Online Sales" - Check the box if you wish for the product to be available for purchase online;
    • "Offline Sales" - Check the box if you wish for the product to be available for purchase on the tills;
    • "Member Sales" - Check the box if you with for the product to be available only to people who have a valid membership;
    • "Public Sales" - Check the box if you with for the product to be available to the general public;
    • "Associate Member Sales" – Check the box if you wish for the product to be available to Associate Members;
    • "Group Sales" - see below under 'Additional Options' for further guidance;
    • "Age Check" - Select from the dropdown if you wish to apply an age restriction to this product. If you apply an age restriction and a member attempts to purchase the product online, an error will appear when they try to add the product to their basket if they have not met the minimum age requirement (age restrictions will not have any impact on public purchases);

    Please note: If you do not allow members under the age of 18 to purchase any products sold via your website, a Gloabl Underage Check setting is available within System Configuration that can be applied to prevent this. The setting can be found under the Website section of your Settings._

    • "Booking Fee" - Check the box if you wish to set a booking fee for the product;
    • "Max. Per Transaction" - If required, set the maximum amount of products that can be purchased per transaction (option only visible if "Online Sales" is ticket);
    • "Max. Per Person" - If required, set the maximum amount of products that can be purchased per person (option only visible if "Online Sales" is ticket);
    • "Product Image" - Here you can upload a product image for display on the website;
    • "Categories" - If you wish for the product to fall under a certain category, click the category you would like it under and it will be moved across into "Chosen Categories".
  11. Shop Finance

    • "Sales Dates" - If required, select the start and end date you wish the product to be available for. Leave blank if you wish the product to be available permanently.
    • "Department" - In the dropdown list, set the department within the student union that the product falls under (e.g groups, elections)
    • "Nominal" - In the dropdown list, set the nominal of the product depending on which category the product falls under (e.g kit, travel hire)
    • "VAT" - In the dropdown list, select the correct VAT rate for the product.
    • "Period" - Select the financial period you wish the product to be attached to.
  12. Shop Rules can be set on the product to limit sales to certain parameters.

    • "Member Restriction" - If set, only the members in here can purchase the product.
    • "Rules" - Click on a preset rule to add that to the product (e.g if a 'student only' rule is setup, you can apply this to a product and then only students will be able to purchase it.)
  13. Additional Options can be added on to finalise the product

    • "Group" - If required, you can specify a group that the product should be associated with. Please note that this is required for membership products.
      • If you have also selected ‘Member Sales’ within the Shop Options section, only students within that Group will be able to purchase the product;
      • If you have also selected ‘Associate Sales’ within the Shop Options section, only associate members within that Group will be able to purchase the product;
      • If you have not selected either of the above, both students and associates will be able to purchase the product.
    • "Subscription Type" - If required, you can set a 'Fixed Term' (e.g 6 months) or an 'Expiry Date' (e.g 31/12/2025) for a product.
  14. Recursive Billing can be setup on a product that requires a monthly charge

    • "Frequency" - If required, Set the frequency of the payment (e.g monthly).
    • "No. of Times" - If the frequency is set, set the amount of recurring payments to be taken in total.
  15. Extra Capture Fields can be setup on a product to capture extra information on the receipt "Available fields" - If required, click the extra fields of information you wish to capture on purchase of the product.

    Click here to find out how to set this up

  16. Once the product form has been filled out, click the submit button to create the product.

Updated on 30th July 2024