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How do I set up a product on the E-shop?


The below outlines the steps to be take if you wish to create a product for the E-Shop.


  • Go to EPOS -> Zones and click ‘Enter Zone’ to go into the zone you want to set the product in e.g. shop
  • Click ‘Products’
  • Click ‘Create Product’ at the top right-hand side of the page
  • Complete the information as follows:
    • Name - this is what you want the product to be called
    • Caption – this is the information that will appear on the receipt
    • URL – this is the link you want to be able to give to students to promote and buy your product (please note, you could also set up redirects)
    • A Barcode (not required unless you want to be able to scan items barcodes to receive the price etc.)
    • Description – this is the description of the product and will appear on your product page. You can also use HTML in this box if you want to add any extra images etc.
    • Category – please ignore this for the online store functionality
    • Mark as active (internal flag only - does not make the product appear/disappear on your website)
    • Use the 'Sale Dates' setting in the 'Shop Finance' tab to set the dates the product will be visible on your website.
    • Fixed price – you will need to mark as fixed price for the online store, and create your 1 fixed price where it says, ‘full price’.
    • For ‘till screen’ select ‘none’ as you are not selling it on a till
  • To set up who and where people can purchase the product, on the same page, open ‘Shop Options’ by clicking the grey down arrow on the right next to shop options.
  • Select ‘online sales’ as for the shop you want purchases to only be online. Should you want to also sell items on the till, also click ‘offline sales’
  • Decide who you want to sell the product to, by choosing ‘member sales’ (student only and students will have to sign in with their organisational sign on to purchase the product),associate member sales’ (associate members only and they will have to sign in with their organisational sign on to purchase the product), or ‘public sales’ and no sign in will be required.
  • Don’t complete any of the ‘age check’, ‘booking fee’ , ‘anthem e-ticket’ or ‘allow affiliation’ options.
  • In product image, upload the image you want to appear on your product page
  • Categorise your product if you wish, using the category selector. (NB if you want to create new categories you can do this in EPOS -> Product Categories
  • To determine where sales go into, open ‘Shop Finance’ by clicking the grey down arrow on the right next to shop finance
  • In inventory, set the volume of the product you have to sell. Once this number runs out, students will no longer be able to purchase the product.
  • Set sales dates – the product will automatically go on sale and be viewable on the website between these dates. If the product start date is after the current date, the product will not show on the website until the start date.
  • Click the magnifying glass on Department to select the company, cost centre and department you want the sales income to go into. (NB these can be set up in the Finance Structure section on SUMS. Please see the Finance documentation for more details)
  • Choose the nominal code you want the sales income to go into (NB these can be set up in the Finance Structure section on SUMS. Please see the Finance documentation for more details)
  • Choose the VAT code you want the product to use (NB these can be set up in the Finance Structure section on SUMS. Please see the Finance documentation for more details)
  • In ‘period’ set your sales period. These will differ for each organisation depending on your financial year.
  • To determine additional shop rules, open ‘Shop Rules’ by clicking the grey down arrow on the right next to shop rules
  • Next to Max per transaction and Min per transaction set the minimum and maximum amounts of the product some one can purchase at one time
  • Please ignore the member whitelist option for the shop
  • Select available rules that you want to add to your product, such as insurance.
  • If you want to ask extra information upon purchase of a product e.g. size, this can be done in the ‘extra capture fields’ section. Open Extra Capture Fields by clicking the grey down arrow on the right next to extra capture fields.
  • If you want to ask a question which is not yet set up as an option in ‘extra capture fields’ you can add a new question by going to System Configuration -> Extra Capture Fields.
  • Click the green submit button at the bottom of the page and your product will be set up.

Updated on 18th Jan 2022