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Setting up a yearly subscription product/card

I want to create a yearly subscription product…

  1. Navigate to the Products section under EPOS -> Zones -> Desired Venue -> Products.

  2. Create a product (subscription) and name it accordingly (e.g. Platinum Card) for the desired length of time.

  3. Ensure that the ‘Active’ and ‘Fixed Price’ boxes are ticked.

  4. Set the price of the subscription in the field ‘Full Price’.

  5. Under ‘Shop Rules’, set the ‘Max. Per Trans’ and ‘Max. Per Person’ to 1. Note that the Max. Per Person is set over the lifetime of the product, even after a purchase has expired, so if you would like that same product to be available to the same person next year, this would need to be a higher value.

  6. Move ‘Student Only’ from the left side ‘Available Rules’ to the right side ‘Chosen Rules’.

  7. Navigate to the Platinum Products section under System Configuration -> Settings -> Subscriptions -> Platinum product.

  8. Enter the product ID of your subscription product here to register it as a platinum level product. This now allows members who purchase that subscription access to other platinum products throughout the year.

Note you can add multiple Product ID’s to this section by separating them with a comma and a space (e.g. 1234, 5678, 901011).

I want to allow subscription users free entry to events…

  1. Under the event you wish subscription holders to access free entry (for example, Quack), create a product with a recognisable name (e.g. Platinum Card Free Entry).

  2. Set the price as £0.00.

  3. Ensure that the ‘Platinum Product’ box under the ‘Financial Information’ section is ticked. This will inform the system that this product should only be shown to platinum subscription holders.

I want to use this free entry on the door…

  1. Once the above is set up, when the till is in Door Entry mode, via the button on the home screen, this ticket product will now only appear for platinum subscription holders when their student card is scanned and can only be used for free entry as the price is set as £0.00.

  2. For non-platinum subscription holders, this product will not appear and the till will only show the other, priced, available tickets.

  3. Once the event is over, remember to go to Options -> Exit door to change the till back to normal menu mode, otherwise you won't be able to process transactions or see your menus setup via SUMS.

Note If a member has both Platinum Free Entry and other Free Entry permissions (e.g. through being on a Sports Committee), only one per member will show to prevent multiple free entries being allocated to one member for the same event. The Platinum Free Entry product will take preference over any other Free Entry permissions.