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Importing Products

I want to view an example template of data to be imported

  1. In SUMS, navigate to ‘import’ and then ‘product data’.
  2. Click ‘example’ next to the ‘choose file’ box, to download a copy of the template
  3. Open the CSV template from your downloads
  4. On the template, note the following items:
    • The names of the columns in row 1
    • The type of data being looked for in row 2 and expected format of the data

NB: Do not format your price as currency, as the '£' sign is not an accepted character. Please ensure they are left as numbers-only.

I want to view current products in the system

  1. In SUMS, navigate to ‘import’ and then ‘product data’.
  2. Under ‘export previous product data’, select the zone you want to export the data from and click ‘submit’

Please note: For existing products, the zone ID cannot be changed, however for new products the any new zone can be set.

I want to import new products into the system

  1. If you want to add new products, but retain your existing products, or make a change to existing products, download your current products using the steps above.
  2. Make any adjustments to the template to reflect your requirements e.g. amend the price, or end date
  3. Save your CSV file as a CSV type.
  4. In Import -> Product data, under ‘upload product data’ click ‘choose file’ and select the file you have just saved and click ‘submit’
  5. If you now export the data by following the instructions in ‘I want to view current products in the system’, you will see that this has changed to reflect your amendments.

NB: If you have not formatted your template correctly, you will receive an output error which will appear at the top of the Product Data page, which will tell you the error. Up to 20 errors may show, so once the first 20 have been resolved, more errors may appear if there were more than 20 to begin with.

Updated on March 23rd 2021