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Printing To The Kitchen


When a customer purchases certain items, sometimes you'll want the kitchen to receive the items in the form of a receipt. This is possible in a few different ways and you can see how to set these up below.


A kitchen printer can be set at three different levels within SUMS. These are...

  • Against a Till in EPOS > Zones > Your Zone > Tills

  • Against a Finance Category in EPOS > Zones > Your Zone > Categories

  • Against an individual Product in EPOS > Zones > Your Zone > Products

The till will then evaluate these at the point of purchase. It will divide the products into separate receipts and send them to whichever receipt printer you selected in SUMS.

Please Note: If an individual product has a printer assigned to it, it will be printed at the specified printer. If a product printer isn't specified, the product category printer will be used instead. Finally, if no printer is specified against either the product or the category (E.g. they've both been set to default) then the till printer will be used.

Assigning the Printers


Setting up a kitchen printer against a till is required, so this step should already be taken care of if your tills are already configured. You can create or modify tills within EPOS > Zones > Your Zone > Tills.

Finance Category

You can select a kitchen printer during creation or modification of a category within EPOS > Zones > Your Zone > Categories.

Individual Product

You can assign a printer to a product from within the creation or modification screen inside EPOS > Zones > Your Zone > Products. The kitchen printer is within the 'Bar Options' section and 'Send to Kitchen' must be selected to see the printer options.