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Please Note: Loyalty is still under development. There may be issues around some of the features that exist. If you find any issues, please submit a support ticket via the support desk.


The Loyalty module offers the functionality of giving back to members using different types of schemes. For each scheme, you are able to set up promotional periods for different collection/redemption rates, and set up these rates in certain zones and product groups. You can also track member and group enrolment and usage, and set up timed windows where a bonus earnings period is active.

General Creation of a Scheme

A number of different loyalty scheme types can be created, such as credit on an account; earning a monetary value by spending certain amounts in a venue; or gaining points by spending certain amounts in a venue.

How do I create a Loyalty scheme?

To create a new loyalty scheme:

  1. Within ‘EPOS’, select ‘Loyalty Schemes’;
  2. Click ‘Create Loyalty Scheme’ and enter;
    1. Whether it is a ‘Monetary’ or ‘Points’ scheme in the dropdown;
    2. Name;
    3. Preferred Order;
    4. Excluded Zones (Venues/Groups);
    5. Start & End Date
    6. Select the tick box if it is to show on the account;
    7. Select the tick box if it can include group balances;
  3. Click 'Submit'.

Select 'Configure Scheme' to:

  1. Determine the ‘Value/Number of Points’ earned depending on the amount spent;
  2. Add a Collection Group;
  3. Add Collection Times;
  4. Add a Redemption Group.

You can change a Loyalty Scheme by selecting ‘Modify’ next to the relevant scheme.

To delete, click ‘Remove’ next to the relevant scheme.

How do I manage an existing loyalty balance?

To adjust a member’s loyalty balance:

  1. Within ‘EPOS’, select ‘Loyalty Schemes’;
  2. Click ‘Active Member Balances’ next to the relevant scheme;
  3. Find the correct member and then select ‘Adjust Member Balance’;
  4. Select whether you want to ‘Add’ or ‘Deduct’ to the balance;
  5. Type in the correct amount in the correct format ie. 5.00 for £5;
  6. Add a reason if required, then click ‘Submit’.

If you select 'Modify', you can:

  1. 'Freeze' a membership until a particular date;
  2. 'End' a balance if a member has left, by entering the date and time that they left.

How do I create a new balance for a member?

To add a member with a new balance:

  1. Under 'Loyalty Schemes' click 'Activate Member Balances' next to the relevant scheme;
  2. Select 'Create Balance' and entee the correct 'Member';
  3. If required, you can also add a 'Freeze' date or 'Leave' date to stop a balance;
  4. Click 'Submit'.

To view a member's balance:

  1. Find the relevant member under 'Active Member Balances';
  2. Select 'Member Records'.

How do I create a Loyalty scheme to reward members who make a purchase in my venue with points they can redeem?

Create the scheme as above, and then to configure the scheme:

  • Next to your scheme, click the blue ‘Configure Scheme’ button to set the parameters. The grey upward arrows mean that if a value is entered into that section, it will override the setting above it.
  • Collection settings:
    • Values: For a simple collection scheme, enter the points you wish a member to earn when making purchases. Then enter in how much the member will need to spend to collect this amount of points.
      • For example “Earn 10 points, when you spend £1.00”. You will need to leave this blank if you want members to only collect points when purchasing specific products in specific zones.
    • Groups: Use this box to define a point amount for the user to be given if they purchase from a specific product group. Click the green ‘Add Collection Group’ button and type in the zone and product groups. Then enter how many points you wish the user to gain.
      • For example “In Tower Bar (Zone) for Desserts (Product Group) earn £1.00”. Note that if anything is entered here, it will override anything written in the above box.
    • Times: Use this box to define a timed collection amount. Click the green ‘Add Collection Times’ button and enter the start and end date for the time period. Then enter how many points you wish a user to earn if they make a purchase within this period.
      • For example “Between 14/08/2019 12:00 (start date) and 16/08/2019 18:00 (end date) earn 50 points when you spend £5.00”. Note that if you choose to set a time period, it will override anything entered in the groups or value boxes.
  • Redemption settings
    • Values: Similarly to the above, here you enter how much points are worth in your scheme.
      • For example “Every 500 points redeemed is worth £1.00”. Note that if you don’t want members to be able to claim points on all items, this should be left as “0”.
    • Groups: Here you can define the point values of different groups of products in different zones.
      • For example “In The Swan for Coffee use 300 points” but “In The Barge for Coffee use 500 points”. Note that anything defined in this box will override that defined in the values box.
  • Click the green ‘Submit’ button.

Updated on 1st February 2021