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Setting up Multi Buys

You can create various Multibuys within the EPOS module, such as ‘3 Cocktails for £10’, and also set times for when you want these to be available:

  1. Within ‘EPOS’, enter the relevant ‘Zone’;
  2. Select ‘Multibuys’ and click ‘Create Multibuy’ to name your new Multibuy;
  3. Select the relevant ‘Location’;
  4. Enter the ‘Type’ of Multibuy and complete the relevant information:
    1. Percentage:
      1. Under ‘Amount’, enter the decimal number to indicate the percentage (i.e. 0.8 for 20%);
    2. Set Price:
      1. Under ‘Amount’, enter the total value to be charged to 2 decimal places;
    3. BOGOF:
      1. Under ‘Favour’, select either ‘Business’ or ‘Customer’ from the dropdown menu;
        • Business - If set to business, all BOGOFs within this group will choose the highest price from the possible basket items and then work out the prices of each item proportionally;
        • Customer - If set to customer, all BOGOFs within this group will choose the lowest price from the possible basket items and then work out the prices of each item proportionally;
  5. Enter a ‘Transaction Limit’;
  6. Select whether or not you want it to be ‘Active’;
  7. If you would like the multibuy to be a benefit of a ‘Reward Card’ you have created, select the relevant card(s);
  8. If you would like this multibuy to be available via a Voucher, and not automatically redeemable for all relevant products, select the ‘Prevent Automatic Redemption’ tick box.

How do I set what times I want the multibuy to be available?

  1. Click ‘Add time’ and enter the:
    1. Day
    2. Start time
    3. End time

Please Note: You must set times for multibuys to be made available. If no times are added, the multibuy will not be applied. If you wish for the multibuy to be available at all times, add an entry for each day from 00:00 to 23:59.

How do I add what items I would like to be included in the multibuy?

  1. Click ‘Add Group’;
  2. Enter a name for the group;
  3. Enter a quantity of products that are available for purchase within the multibuy;
  4. Then click ‘Add Item’;
  5. Select whether you want to add a ‘Product’ or a ‘Group’ to the multibuy;
  6. Select from the dropdown which Group/Product you want to add;
  7. If a Product, select whether you want to include the Full, Double etc… level of the product;
  8. Once you have added all of your items, click ‘Submit’.

Updated on 28th November 2022