Multiple Prices for a single product

If you have different price tiers, you can create and edit them in this section. Click on the ‘£’ symbol of the tier you want to change, then select the category you want to change and all products in that category will be displayed for you to quickly edit the prices.

In the zone the product is created in:

  • Click ‘prices’
  • Click ‘create price tier’
  • Name your price tier e.g. student prices, staff prices etc.
  • If you want the prices to differ based on a certain time or day, click ‘add time’ and enter the days and times when you want the prices to be different
  • Under ‘category’, select from the drop down, that category you want to create the different prices for e.g. deserts
  • When you select the category, all products within that category will appear. Against each product you can add different price tiers.
  • Click submit

Updated on 14th May 2020